Английский CEC. Как сдать экзамен. Часть 2.

Итак, в продолжение к 1 части. Существует также более тонкая книга того же автора Shipmaster,s business self examiner, сейчас уже вроде 10 издание. Построена по принципу Вопрос-Ответ, очень удобно.

Если будете на судне заказывать Shipmaster’s business companion, заказывайте обе книги. Есть еще один источник, по моему мнению очень удобный, это MGN и MSN. Подшивка этих нотисов должна обязательно быть на судне. Также они находятся на сайте www.gov.uk в свободном доступе. Позже выложу подборку этих нотисов.

Здесь полный список MGN и MSN. Все можно найти на официальном сайте www.gov.uk

Guidance and information Merchant Shipping Notices:

 MGN 71 — Musters, Drills and Training

 MGN 88 — Employment of Young Persons

 MGN 111 — Maintenance of Lists of Crew Ashore

 MGN 123 (M+F) — Certificates of Discharge

 MGN 134 — Issue of Discharge Books to UK Seafarers

 MGN 137 (M+F) — Look-out During Periods of Darkness and Restricted Visibility

 MGN 148 — Approval of Crew Agreements

 MGN 153 (M+F) — Compliance with Mandatory Ship Reporting Systems

 MGN 175 Health and Safety Regulations for Ships: Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessel (Health and Safety at Work) (Amendment) Regulations

 MGN 332 (M+F) — The Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment) Regulations 2006

 MGN 345 – Alternative Compliance Scheme

 MGN 395 (M+F) — Radio Log Book: Merchant Shipping & Fishing Vessels

 MGN 397 (M+F) — Guidelines for the Provision of Food and Fresh Water on Merchant Ships and Fishing Vessels

 MGN 447(M) Maritime Labour Convention 2006, Seafarers’ Employment Agreements

 MGN 448 (M) — Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Convention, 1978 as Amended Manila Amendments: Medical Certification, Hours of Work and Alcohol Limits

 MGN 458 — Accident Reporting and Investigation

 MGN 471 – Crew Agreement for non MLC ships

 MGN 477 – Maritime Labour Convention 2006, Seafarers’ Employment Agreements

 MSN 1704 (M+F) — Carriage of Firearms on board Ships — Changes resulting from the Firearms (Amendment) Act 1997 and the Firearms (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 1997

 MSN 1751 – Harmonised System of Survey and Certification

 MSN 1826 – ISM Code Amendments

 MSN 1831 – Vessel Traffic Monitoring Notification and Reporting Requirements for Ships and Ports

 MSN 1832 — Port State Control Regulations 2011

 MSN 1842 (M) — Maritime Labour Convention 2006: Hours of Work and Entitlement to Leave

 MSN 1848 (M) — Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Survey and Certification of UK Ships

 MSN 1849 (M) — Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: On-Board Complaints Procedure.

 1868 Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Convention: UK Requirements for Safe Manning and Watchkeeping. MSNs and MGNs are subject to change from time to time. Candidates are advised to refer to the latest updates or amendments. Legislation: Primary

 Merchant Shipping Act 1995 Statutory Instruments

 Repatriation Regulations — SI 1979/97

 Returns of Births and Deaths Regulations — SI 1979/1577

 Official Log Book Regulations — SI 1981/569 and subsequent amendments

 Seaman’s Document Regulations — SI 1987/408 and subsequent amendments

 Provisions and Water Regulations – SI 1989/0102

 Crew Agreement, List of Crew and Discharge of Seamen Regulations — SI 1991/2144

 Survey and Certification Regulations – SI 1995/1210 and subsequent amendments

 Reporting Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous of Polluting Goods Regulations – SI 1995/2498

 The Merchant Shipping (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping) Regulations 2015,

 Crew Accommodation Regulations – SI 1997/1508

 Health & Safety at Work Regulations — SI 1997/2962

Обновлено: 18.08.2018 — 10:17

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